International Experiences at KU Music

a group of students wearing blue KU shirts standing in front of Roman ruins

International Studies Stats

Global Engagements in the past year
International Students
Countries Represented

School of Music Faculty-Led Study Abroad Programs:


Music, Nations, Empires: Culture and Politics in Vienna & Prague

Students explore the famously musical cities of Vienna and Prague with music historian and KU professor Martin Nedbal. The course examines the importance of music for the emergence of modern nations and empires between 1750 and 1900 in Vienna and Prague. It focuses on select musical works and their social, cultural, and political contexts.  The study abroad program occurs over winter break and is offered on alternating years. (MUSC 135/136/335/336 or 650, 3 credits)

students playing cellos inside a cathedral in front of a statue

KU Symphony Orchestra students performing in Rome

a student playing a saxophone onstage

KU Jazz students performing at a festival in Spain

 a group of students in front of a building

KU Music students partake in a trip to Vienna, Dresden, and Prague