String Education at KU
The String Music Education program at KU focuses on teaching in homogeneous and heterogenous bowed-string (i.e., violin, viola, cello, and double-bass) environments, such as school classrooms, ensembles, and studios. Degree programs include the BME, MME, and Ph.D.
A string graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) is available pending a vacancy and an application process. Contact Dr. Dakon for more information.
String Education Instructors
Undergraduate Coursework
Six courses in string education occur throughout the BME program (see below). Topics include string technique, methods, rehearsal methods, pedagogy, and curriculum. Each focuses on preparing students to become successful state-certified string teachers in public and private schools of Kansas and its reciprocating states. Students learning violin, viola, cello, or double bass as their secondary intrument may also enroll in ORCH 406: University Orchestra. All courses are as follows:
Graduate Coursework
Graduate coursework in string music education include:
- MEMT 818: Advanced String Technique (not listed)
- MEMT 798: Approaches to String Pedagogy: an examination of George Bornoff, Paul Rolland, and Shinichi Suzuki's influence on 21st-Century string class teaching (not listed)
- ORCH 706: University Orchestra. For graduate students seeking more practice on violin, viola, cello, or double bass.