The Olivier Latry Residencies

Olivier Latry is one of the most distinguished organists of his generation. He is a titular organist at the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, and Professor of Organ at the Paris Conservatoire. Through the generosity of a grant from the William T. Kemper Foundation, Olivier Latry is the William T. Kemper Artist - in - Residence at KU . In this capacity, he is currently present ing extended residencies each semester at KU. During these residencies he te aches master classes, group lessons, and private lessons . He interacts with KU organ and church music students in group conversations , lectures, and plays organ recitals.
The residencies are accompanied by conferences on different aspects of French organ music. In 2019, KU sponsored a conference entitled “ Le Grand Siècle : Organ Music and Culture in 17th and 18th - Century France.” Anticipated future conferences include: Louis Vierne, Dupré and Widor, Olivier Messiaen, and Post - Messiaen.