Music Therapy Clinical Musicianship Assessment Process

A printed or PDF copy of this document may be requested by contacting Holly O'Ruth Tompkins in MEMT Student Services at, Room 450 Murphy Hall.

Clinical Musicianship Assessment Process

The following document contains information about the Clinical Musicianship Assessment Process for the University of Kansas Music Therapy program. As you progress through the academic and clinical components of the curriculum, it will be your professional responsibility to demonstrate readiness for continuation in the program through the progressive assessment of your clinical musicianship. These assessment opportunities will be demonstrated for the Clinic Supervision Team that includes members of the music therapy faculty and clinic supervisors.

This process includes the following components for Undergraduate Students:

  • Pre-Clinical Musicianship Assessment A
  • Pre-Clinical Musicianship Assessment B
  • Clinical Musicianship Assessment
  • Clinical Musicianship Portfolio
  • Internship Pre-Assessment

This process includes the following components for Graduate Equivalency Students*:

  • Clinical Musicianship Assessment
  • Clinical Musicianship Portfolio
  • Internship Pre-Assessment

*Note: Pre-Clinical Musicianship Assessment A and B are completed as part of the admissions process for students entering the Graduate Equivalency Program.

Pre-Clinical Musicianship Assessment A (a component of MEMT 117 for UG students)

As a music therapy major you will begin to build a portfolio of repertoire that is appropriate for working with various client groups by choosing a minimum of 10 songs with half chosen from the KU-MT Song List posted in the “Course Documents” section on the Canvas site for this course and half selected independently from other sources. At this time, you should ONLY include songs in the portfolio that you are able to confidently sing at least one verse, chorus and bridge of the song (as appropriate) establishing eye contact and appropriate engagement with your “audience.” You must prepare a minimum of 10 songs; you are welcome to include more than 10 songs in your portfolio, but the Clinical Supervision Team (CST) will select songs for implementation from the repertoire list you select.


  • Select a minimum of 10 songs, half from KU-MT Song List and half from other sources, representing a diverse range of clients.
  • Prepare a list of these songs with the title PreClinical Musicianship Assessment A and your name.
  • Practice each song unaccompanied.
  • Select your strongest song to begin the implementation sequence.
  • Make at least 3 copies of your song list.


  • Introduce yourself with an appropriate speaking voice.
  • Distribute your song list to the CST
  • State the title of your selected song and begin singing with appropriate facial expression, physical proximity to the group, and eye contact with the group (i.e. scan the group members).
  • The CST will ask to hear additional songs from your list. We will determine how many songs from your list you will sing. We will also determine how much of each song we will hear.
  • Vocally imitate a 2-measure melodic phrase. Phrases will be in a major tonality and will be in either duple, triple, or quadruple meter.

Pre-Clinical Musicianship Assessment B (a component of MEMT 119 for UG students)

As a music therapy major you will continue to build a portfolio of repertoire that is appropriate for working with various clients and supports your clinical musicianship development in voice, piano and guitar. Your clinical repertoire portfolio was started in MEMT 117 and will continue in MEMT 119, as well as during other courses and independently during your degree program.

For this assessment, you will add a minimum of 10 songs with half chosen from the KU-MT Song List posted in the “Course Documents” section on the Blackboard site for this course and half selected from other sources. These 10 songs are in addition to the ones on your list for MEMT 117. You now have a list of at least 20 songs for your Clinical Musicianship Assessment (CMA). You are expected to be able to sing all 20 listed songs for a minimum of 2 verses being able to accompany yourself on the piano or guitar for all 20 songs added during MEMT 117 and 119.


  • Select 10 additional songs, half from KU-MT Song List, representing a diverse range of clients.
  • Prepare a comprehensive list of the 20 songs in your clinical repertoire portfolio; include the 10 songs from the PreClinical Musicianship Assessment A, plus 10 new songs. The list should include your name and title PreClinical Musicianship Assessment B.
  • Practice singing and accompanying yourself on piano or guitar.
  • You will be expected to create a simple accompaniment to an unfamiliar melody. The CST will establish and identify the key of the melody and will present the song 3 times. During the first and second presentation you must find the basic I, IV, and V7 chord changes using piano or guitar. On the third presentation you will play along while the CST sings the melody.
  • Select your strongest song with accompaniment instrument to begin the implementation sequence (see below).
  • Make at least 3 copies of your song list.


  • Introduce yourself with an appropriate speaking voice.
  • Distribute your song list to the CST
  • State the title of your selected song and begin singing with appropriate facial expression, physical proximity to the group, and eye contact with the group (i.e. scan the group members).
  • The CST will ask to hear additional songs from your list. We will determine how many songs from your list you will sing.
  • Accompaniment: You will decide which instrument you would like to provide accompaniment (guitar or piano). The CST will sign a song for you a cappella. Listen to the song performed by the CST the first time. Listen a second time and given the key, start providing chord changes on your preferred instrument. On the third singing, confidently accompany the CST to confirm accuracy. An additional opportunity might be provided if the CST determines it is appropriate or necessary.

Clinical Musicianship Assessment

UG: completed at conclusion of Clinical Techniques Classes (sophomore year)

GEP: completed at the conclusion of fall semester Year 1

Must demonstrate proficiency on two portable instruments, guitar and piano/ keyboard. A third instrument such as autoharp, accordion, or ukulele may also be used sparingly. Students should know basic chords in several keys with a variety of strum, rhythm and accompaniment patterns.


  • UG: Select 40 new songs with half from the KU-MT Song List and the remaining half obtained from other sources that would b appropriate for a diverse range of clients. (You now have a list of 60 songs for your Clinical Musicianship Assessment.)
  • GEP: Select 50 new songs with half from the KU-MT Song List and the remaining half obtained from other sources that would be appropriate for a diverse range of clients. (You now have a list of 60 songs for your Clinical Musicianship Assessment by adding these to the 10 you prepared during the Admissions process.)
  • Prepare a list of these songs (title and artist) and make 3 copies for the Clinic Supervision Team (CST). The document should include your name and title Clinical Musicianship Assessment. Beside each of the 60 songs, state the key in which you will initially play that song and your preferred accompaniment instrument.
  • Prepare to play songs in the keys of C, D, E, G, and A major or e, a, and d minor as appropriate for the song and your vocal range. These songs do not need to be memorized. A capo may be used but only sparingly. Lead sheets with Roman Numerals should be used during the assessment. While you may choose to use an iPad during clinic, the skill of transposition is consequential and is to be demonstrated.
  • You will also be expected to create a simple accompaniment to an unfamiliar melody. The CST will present the song 3 times. During the first and second presentation you must find the key and basic I, IV, and V7 accompaniment using piano or guitar. On the third presentation you will play along while the CST sings the melody.


  • Introduce yourself with an appropriate speaking voice.
  • State the title of one song. (First song chosen by the student and sung alone.)
  • Find the accurate starting pitch. Play an appropriate introduction and give an appropriate musical and/or physical cue to the CST to begin singing with appropriate facial expression, physical proximity to the group, and eye contact with the group (i.e., scan the group members). Although you are not required to memorize the songs, a certain level of appropriate eye contact and clinical leadership is expected.
  • Transpose the song if requested to do so to appropriate neighboring keys. Be prepared to read lead sheets using Roman Numerals to represent chords if requested to do so for songs chosen off KU-MT Song List.

Clinical Musicianship Portfolio


  • As a key component of developing functional musicianship as a clinical music therapist, building a diverse repertoire is critical. As the conclusion of EACH clinical practicum rotation semester, you will be required to add 10 new songs to your portfolio.
  • Your clinical supervisor will check your portfolio and may ask for you to demonstrate proficiency on any of the new or previous songs listed.
  • As you complete your coursework, you should have 100 songs from the KU-MT Song List or other appropriate resources in your portfolio with the ability to use each clinically.
    • Undergraduate Students:
      • 10 from Preclinical Musicianship Assessment A
      • 10 from Preclinical Musicianship Assessment B
      • 40 from Clinical Musicianship Assessment (20 each semester)
      • 10 from each Clinical Practicum semester for a total of 40
    • Graduate Equivalency Students:
      • 10 from Admissions Process
      • 50 from Clinical Musicianship Assessment (conclusion of MEMT 251 and prior to entering your first Clinical Practicum)
      • 10 from your first Clinical Practicum semester, and 15 from each of your second and third Clinical Practicum semesters for a total of 40

Internship Pre-Assessment

Completed during Professional Developmental Seminar


  • Prepare a 20-minute music therapy session suitable for a population in which you anticipate interning.
  • Bring a copy of your resume and the session plan.
  • Wear professional dress in consideration for your chosen population.
  • Prepare yourself for questions in the following areas:
    • goals, objectives, and therapeutic interventions for your chosen site
    • your strengths and weaknesses
    • music therapy theory, rationale and support for using music in your chosen setting
    • your past practicum experiences
    • why you want this internship and why you should be chosen
    • potential situations/scenarios where you may be asked about advocating for music therapy in your chosen setting
  • Sight-read a song suitable for your chosen population/setting.


  • Introduce yourself and present your resume and session plan.
  • Lead a simulated session with the CST functioning as clients.
  • Interview with the CST as if they were members of the internship facility. Be prepared:
    • to answer questions comparable to topics listed above
    • to ask the committee appropriate questions
    • to sight-read (e.g., sing, play) a committee chosen song