Elizabeth Berghout

- Associate Professor of Music
- Organ & Church Music
- **KU Safe Zone Member
Contact Info
1530 Naismith Drive
Lawrence, KS 66045-3103
Biography —
D.M.A. University of Kansas; M.M. University of Kansas, B.M. Brigham Young University
Elizabeth Egbert Berghout is an Associate Professor of Music and the University Carillonneur at the University of Kansas. In addition, she oversees the maintenance and preservation of the world-renown 53-bell Taylor carillon housed in the historic World War II Memorial Campanile. Dr. Berghout performs carillon recitals at the Lawrencecampus several times a week and maintains a thriving carillon studio. Many of her carillon students have passed the rigorous performance and certification exam offered by The Guild of Carillonneurs in North America.
Dr. Berghout lectures, teaches and performs throughout North America and overseas. Recent venues include the House of Parliaments in Ottawa, Ontario, and the 2011 World Carillon Congress in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. She performs regularly as a guest organist at the Mormon Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah, where she has participated on the daily recital series since 1995. She is also active as a harpsichordist, performing with the Spencer Consort.
A proponent of new music, Berghout has commissioned and premiered numerous works for carillon and organ, collaborating with composers including Charles K. Hoag, Forrest Pierce, Bruce Polay and her husband, Dr. Daniel F. Berghout. Her current research focuses on American carillon music composed since 1950, particularly studying the compositions and life of Dutch-American Johan Franco.
A native of Utah, Berghout has completed a Doctor of Musical Arts (Organ) at the University of Kansas, a Master of Music (Church Music), also from the University of Kansas, and a Bachelor of Music degree (Organ Performance andPedagogy) from Brigham Young University. Her major instructors on organ and carillon include Michael Bauer, Parley Belnap, Albert Gerken and James Higdon.