Purnaprajna Purna Bangere

- Courtesy Professor of Music
- Indian Classical Music
- New World Music
- Art of Improvisation
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Biography —
Purnaprajna comes from an important school of violin players in India. He had rigorous training under the well-known south Indian violinist and a teacher of great repute HKN Murthy. HKN Murthy is the student of the legendary Indian musician M. S. Gopalakrishnan. Purnaprajna is a representative of his school and plays the style of music known as the Parur style, characterized by high technical virtuosity and musicianship. In the last two years, he has been invited to give solo recitals in prestigious music festivals such as the Learnquest music festival in Boston, the Cleveland Music Festival, and the Toronto Music Festival. He is collaborating with the Multi-Grammy award winner and one of the founders of the Turtle Island String Quartet. Purnaprajna is also a professor of Mathematics at KU.
Jan Radzynski, American Composer:
"Just like Conlon Nancarrow, the quintessential American original who lived most of his life in Mexico City, Purna Bangere escapes definition. Although he was born and schooled in Mysore, India, he settled in the United States only in 1991 and continued his musical activities as a violin virtuoso and a musical visionary. His vision includes integrating musical elements not only from his native India but increasingly from his adopted country, the United States. He uses Geometry to do this, which is his other passion. It is that essentially American meeting of cultural crossroads that reflects Bangere's deeply held belief in the brotherhood of humanity. That belief makes this music urgently emotional as it pulls the listener straight into the eye of the emotional storm."